UCSC Boating program driver training log
As you may or may not know, the Boating Safety Program has been moving towards better documentation of vessel operator training after the MOTC. As discussed at last week's SBC meeting, the committee decided that UCSC should move forward with requiring Operators-In-Training to maintain documentation of their training days. It was also decided that the program would require 12 documented days as Operator, under supervision of someone checked out on that vessel, prior to scheduling a checkout. This is on par with several other University boating programs as noted in the meeting.
It was suggested that a web-based training log be created to help trainees document their time as well as provide a platform through which their on-water supervisors can give them feedback on their performance. Dan Malone (thanks Dan!) helped create this log using Google forms and is available here. We have introduced this training log as well as the new training day requirements to the current on-going MOTC. They have been encouraged to use the web-based log, but a hard copy can be used instead if they prefer. Either way, they are required to get supervisor feedback on the skills they perform during each mission. If they choose to use the web-based log, they will enter the date, the vessel, truck and trailer used as well as the supervisor name and email. Once submitted, the supervisor will receive an email with a link to that entry in which they can assess their performance and provide comments. After that is complete, the trainee will receive notification and be able to view the supervisors comments while all data will be stored on the training spreadsheet.
As potential on-water supervisors, please encourage these new boaters to complete their training by helping them complete their training logs with thorough, timely evaluations. You can also help them improve their skills by providing a positive example of good boat operator leadership.